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Project 01: Contextual Study Sketch Journal of a Traditional Street 

Overview: Project 1 aims to help interpret essential features of traditional streets using cultural characteristics and concrete architectural qualities, allowing us to understand the specific factors that form the essence and unique sense of identity experienced in cultural streets. We first conducted a site visit and recorded our findings in a sketch journal, along with a summary.


Tutorial Exercises



Reflection: Project 1 was quite an interesting learning experience, as it was actually immersive. I experienced my first site visit, which was to Medan Pasar, during this project. Visiting the street and actually experiencing the surroundings helped me expand my observation skills greatly, along with honing my sketching too. However, I feel I could have done more thorough research in regard to some of the street's aspects.

Project 02: Poster and Seminar - Contemporary Issues in Asian Architecture


Overview: Project 2 aims to further develop essential skills through the deciphering of key issues identified throughout our site visit during project 1. As a group, we created an assessment scheme to help base our potential solutions proposal on, with our findings displayed in a poster and seminar presentation.

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Reflection: Overall, this was quite a challenging project for me, as it was my first experience with working on a research study. It helped me further develop my critical thinking skills, as well as introduced me to the proper methodology to approach a study along with several concepts I previously haven't heard much about. Lastly, it assisted me in honing my research skills. However, I believe that I could have handled working in a group environment much better as some decisions I have made affected our unity as a collective.

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